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LocalDb ConnectionString with Initial Catalog

In frustation of spending too much time on finding the correct documentation on how to connect to a LocalDb with an initial catalog, I just written this post. Here you go:

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Arsenal Denmark Live – My ASP.NET MVC3, HTML5, JS, …, Ninject, and SignalR Adventure

During my 7th semester as software engineer student at Aalborg University last year, a friend of mine introduced me to ASP.NET MVC3 and SignalR – since that time I have been hooked on trying to make a system that could take advantage of at least these two technologies. The result of that is Arsenal Denmark […]

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Using SignalR.Ninject with ASP.NET MVC3 and the Ninject.MVC3 Nuget Package

Today I updated SignalR to version 0.4.0 and decided to include the SignalR.Ninject project into my ASP.NET MVC3 application as well. As written on the SignalR github page (, SignalR is built with dependency injection in mind, and besides allowing one to replace most of the SignalR pieces, SignalR also allows one to replace the IDependencyResolver. This […]

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Using SQLite with JSP

During my study at the university, my group got an assignment in a Web engineering course where we were asked to develop a couple of mini-webshops, one in PHP and one in JSP. To centralize the data storage, we decided to use a single SQLite database. I got the assignment to develop the webshop in […]

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